
My Doppelganger

So, it's doppelganger week on Facebook. The scary thing is I had already changed my pic to the celeb I get told I look like for a laugh, before I saw the status! Strange!

I honestly get told a few times a week by friends, family, and strangers I look like Selena Gomez. It's kind of getting ridiculous. I even had a family friends 7 yr old daughter, who hasnt seen me in at least 2 years, say to her mum "She looks like your friends daughter!".

So there it is. I think I could pass as her older sister... maybe. I think we just have the same hair. Haha.


  1. I love it!!! You do look like her.

  2. You do look like her! You are prettier than her though...she's still a bit...kiddy? Lol!

  3. haha! aw thanks :) My mum said 'oh no, her face is much fatter than yours' lol. she definitely looks younger than me!

  4. You're a dead ringer for her haha you should try to make money as an impersonator.

  5. Haha I hve joked about turning up in LA and pretending to be her. Would be awesome to make money out of it bahaha

  6. oh wow you really do like look like her! but i agree with bowsnhearts, you look more mature cos i'm sure you are! (:

    ps. you should totally bank on that LA idea. hahah

  7. So true! Except, yeah, she looks about 11 years old and you look your age.

  8. i love your blog name :)

  9. Oh wow you really do look like her! That's really cool..I'm yet to find my doppleganger =/

  10. haha. Yes its true Coco, she definitely still has a baby face!

    Thanks tinypaperheart. Sometimes I wonder why on earth I decided to call it such a random name! lol.

    A - dont worry, i had never been told I looked like anyone until she came along!


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