Please ignore my facial expression, I think I was concentrating a tad too hard. Also excuse the poor quality of the photo, I quickly snapped it before the boy picked me up for brunch. I'm slack. Sorry.
Dress - Minkpink
Jacket - SES years and years ago (stolen from Mother dearest)
Sunnies - quayeyewear.com.au
OPI Black Onyx on nails, Skinny havs on feet.
Had THE MOST EPIC BLT for brunch. It was truly an experience. The turkish bread it was on had been like soaked in garlic oil or something. Amazing. Mmm I'm drooling just thinking about it now.
I also (thanks to trusty youtube) learnt how to do 'GHD waves' in my hair, which I'm loving. It looks so lovely and beachy, perfect for summer.
Also! I forgot to post about my new phone I've had for a little while now, the nokia E71, which is so much better than my LG Viewty. I dont think I will ever stray from Nokia again. I've learnt my lesson! Haha. Nokias just function so well compared to other phones. Plus the Viewty is a horrible excuse for a touchscreen!
It's such a lovely day here I think I shall go and sit on the beach.