WARNING: Picture overloaded post! Ha
So J and I went away for a few days last week, up to Seal Rocks. We spent a couple of days exploring the beaches and headed up to Forster as well. Forster reminded me so much of where I live, it was bizarre. I heart the north coast so much. We've decided to try to get up to Byron sometime in the next few months!
Sign outside the one small shop in Seal Rocks. Haha. I love it.
All arty farty... we ended up going crazy with our cameras and having a competition to see who could get the best shots haha. I won. But only because my camera makes anything look awesome. I really have no talent!
I got all creative on Saturday night before I headed out, and made my scarf into a drapey top by sewing bits of it together and making arm holes. I'm in love! It works brilliantly. Will do a better outfit post with my new combat boots soon!
Rocking my nanna blouse on Friday night. These 2 girls are possibly the most trendy folk I know. They put the sickest and also most random outfits together.
Also went and saw the Beautiful Girls on Sunday night. That was rad. The vibe at the concert was awesome.

Could he be any sexier?

Hope you all had lovely long weekends! x