So life's been a little bit exciting lately. New boy, new beginnings :)
I'm the happiest I've been in a VERY long time!

Wore this combo out last Fri to the local, I love love love this dress, I barely wear stuff like this more than once (terrible, I know) But I've now worn it 3 times and definitely plan to keep on wearing it! My cheapy brogues are definitely looking a little worse for wear - I wish I had bought 2 pairs! I had no idea how much I would wear them! Must find thy self a leather pair!!!

My outfit today for a spot of shopping - excuse the ridiculously serious expression. I look WAY not happy when I'm actually bouncing off the walls haha. Mmm look at Dave Grohl in the background. Nom.
One of my purchases today. $20 hell yes thank you very much! Love you Target! Haha. Also bought the 'you curl' by Vidal Sassoon - I'm still trying to get the hang of it :S It's way more complicated than it looks in the ad! Boo.

Bought these from Target as well, Lacey ballet flats. I think they were about $15. Awesome sauce!
And! Julie Goodwin from Masterchef was signing copies of her cookbook in my local shopping centre (shes from where I live!). So I went and bought her book for my mum (she wanted it anyway) and got it signed. She is SO warm and lovely :) Cant wait to try her 'Lemon Diva Cupcakes'. Nommm.