
More Stuffs

Its Christmas eve! How exciting! ^_^

I cant wait.

I have a couple of new accessories to share, a necklace and some bangles. I also bought my Christmas dress but haven't been able to take a picture yet because my whole family has been home and I don't want to take the picture while they're around. Hopefully I will be able to soon! It's from Forever New, and I only grabbed it to try on because I thought 'Oh yeah, that'll look pretty, I'll just try it for fun." As it was $100 and, shoot me, but that's the most I've ever spent on a dress. Yes, even my Formal dress was only $80. So I bought the dress because it's amazing on and I can wear it for Christmas and my birthday (which is coming up very soon! Yay for saying goodbye to the evil teenage years!).

Formal dress. (Had to cut the ex out of the picture haha) It's made from a metallic, gold material. I regret my hair so very much. And the dress looks better on a person with a smaller chest. (Believe me, I put it on a mannequin at TAFE in one of my displays and my reaction was 'Damn.')

Handcuff necklace from inspiredinsanity.com.au. I became obsessed with this once I saw someone wearing one. I think it was Jenny on Gossip Girl. I wish I could find one that was chunkier but this will do for now :)

And my Sportsgirl bangles I've been wanting to buy for a while now. Seriously, every time I walk into that shop, without fail I buy something. Terrible!



Recent Purchases...

I went shopping today to do the last of my Christmas shopping and also to find a pretty dress to wear on Christmas day. My mission was a complete FAIL. However I did manage to come home with a few things for myself hehe.

'Horoscope' bracelet from Sportsgirl

Tie-dye singlet dress from Sportsgirl on sale. So comfy, awesome colour and great to wear to the beach/festivals.

I also bought another SG nail polish in 'watermelon', and I'm thinking I'll be going back to buy 'glamour puss' at some stage.

close up of the pattern...

And a bunch of DVDs. Very keen to watch them. (I may or may not be secretly hoping the weather is yucky tomorrow so I can stay inside and watch movies all day)

Happy Tuesday all!


Skull Ring

My new Candy Skull ring from Diva. Its exactly what I've been searching for. It'll be making it's first outing tonight to my work xmas party. Very keen to get a little lose and have some fun with my favourite people!

My nail polish collection. It's my pride and joy. I stare at it all the time. Barely a day goes by where I dont have polish on my nails, I really do see it as an accessory. I never match my fingers to my toes, because usually I want to wear more than one colour at once. And truly, Sportsgirl nail polish is the BEST EVER. I have had 'Rock Royalty' (the purple one in the middle at the front) on my toes for 2 weeks and have only had to fix a few small chips twice. Awesome, I tell you!

Hope you're all having fab weekends! x


Pink Blazer-type Thing + Nigella's Cookies

I picked up this cute blazer/blouse at a local op shop last week. It's light weight and a fabulous shade of bright pink which makes it a perfect summer 'jacket' (but only after I took out the bad 80's shoulder pads... haha).

(excuse the somewhat strange pose, it was the only photo where my hips looked somewhat small...*ahem*)

Nigella's Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies. Nom nom nom.

Recipe Here: http://www.nigella.com/recipe/recipe_detail.aspx?rid=100

Theyre awesome tasty goodness. Mine didnt turn out as fat and gooey as hers, but I prefer them a little thin + crispy.


Baby Cakes

Last night I baked some chocolate mini cupcakes with pink icing. I haven't made chocolate cupcakes in forever so it was a nice change from the usual vanilla.

The photo quality is el-crapola because my mother stole my digital camera to take pics at her work xmas party. Grrr.


Outfit + My Xmas Tree

Inspired by the Vogue thread on Christmas Tree decorating I thought I'd post mine on here. Since studying VM my family has left it to me to put up our tree and decorate it how I see fit. I get extremely anal about it though and spend ages sitting on the lounge staring at it, getting up and moving things around and then staring at it some more.

I am obsessed with all things sparkly + purple so of course the tree incorporates both of those... My favourite baubles are the bright pink glittery ones. Haha.

Close up of the decs

I thought I'd post about my fantastic maxi dress from Target I got a while back. I've gotten so many compliments on it, and people are always so surprised when I say its from good old Targét.

It's such a pretty print. I'm so glad I've gotten away from all the monochrome outfits I wore through winter! It feels good to be wearing colours again.